908-222-0111 . interested@aimarts.org


The right means are just as important as the end in view.  Patanjali enumerates these means as the eight limbs or stages of yoga for the quest of the soul.  They are:  1. Yama (universal moral commandments); 2. Niyama (self purification by discipline) 3. Asana (posture); 4. Pranayama (rhythmic control of the breath) 5. Pratyahara (withdrawl and emancipation of the mind from the domination of the senses and exterior objects); 6. Dharana (concentration); 7. Dhyana (meditation); and 8. Samadhi (a state of the super-consciousness brought about by profound meditation, in which the individual aspirant (sadhaka) becomes one with the object of his meditation – Paramatma or the universal spirit).  

At AIM, we offer individual as well as group courses at the beginner, intermediate and advance levels.  The courses cover the ‘Asanas’ aspect of yoga as well as the ‘bhava’ (thought) that goes with each ‘asana’. 

AIM also runs Yoga courses to target certain psychosomatic diseases such as: backaches, Diabetes, Hypertension, Stress and Anxiety, Asthma as well as Coronary Heart Disease.Click here for course details

Expect to find out the true meaning of yoga.  Expect a course that touches all aspects of your being – your body, mind and soul.  The way ‘Yoga’ is supposed to. 

For more information pl. write to us at interested@aimarts.org



The calm steadiness of the senses is called yoga”

~ Katha Upanishad
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